Our scheduled courses offer delegates two options: delegates can either come to us, or attend one of our on-line training sessions. Delegates can choose the option that suits them best.
Radiation Safety Training
Our scheduled courses offer delegates two options: delegates can either come to us, or attend one of our on-line training sessions. Delegates can choose the option that suits them best. We also provide
tailored radiation protection training courses, where our presenters come to you, whether that be in the UK or Worldwide. This is a key strength of Rolls Royce Choice; we can tailor any course to suit your needs. Our
training covers work with ionising radiation (radioactive substances and X-rays) as well as non-ionising radiation (lasers, broadband optical sources and electromagnetic fields).
Tailored Training
Customised to your requirements.
Delivered at your premises.
Can be delivered remotely.
Ideal for groups of four or more.
Scheduled Training
Training that covers all your needs.
Delivered at Rolls Royce Choice’s dedicated training centre.
Remotely delivered courses available.
Ideal for individuals or small numbers.
Get in touch with our friendly training team. We can find the right training to suit your needs Scheduled Courses
We offer a number of scheduled courses at our premises in Oxfordshire and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, as well as offering these courses online. These established courses allow delegates to interact with experts in
the field of radiation protection, as well as other delegates that are working with ionising or non-ionising radiation. All courses (whether at our premises or online) are interactive and include exercises
and discussion. Our training team comprises qualified Radiation Protection Advisers (RPAs), Radioactive Waste Advisers (RWAs), Laser Protection Advisers (LPAs), Electromagnetic Magnetic Fields (EMF) Safety
Specialists, Medical Physics Experts (MPEs) and Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers (DGSAs).
1. Radiation Protection Supervisor Training Course
We provide a one day Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) course. This is suitable for all those who will be appointed as an RPS within their organisation or require refresher training.
2. Laser Safety Officer Training Course
Rolls Royce Choice’s Laser Safety Officer (LSO) course provides the delegate with the required information and knowledge to carry out the role of LSO effectively.
Tailored Courses
We offer courses tailored specifically to fit the requirements of your organisation. These courses can be delivered on site and are highly recommended for groups of more than four people. All our courses can
be tailored to find the right balance between taught material and practical elements. What matters to us is providing the right course for you. Examples of tailored courses we have provided are shown below.
3. Ionising Radiation Safety
Combined Radiation Awareness and Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS)
Employer training for transport of Class 7 dangerous goods
Facility Design for Nuclear sites
Radiation Awareness
Working with NORM
Working with Sealed Radioactive Materials
Working with Unsealed Radioactive Materials
Working with X-rays (including Medical X-rays)
Non-Ionising Radiation Safety
Artificial Optical Radiation (AOR) Safety
Combined Laser Safety Awareness and Laser Safety Officer (LSO)
Non Ionising Radiation Safety
Radiation Safety for the Health and Safety Professional
Electromagnetic Fields Safety Training
Requirements of IRMER
Requirements of REPPIR
Radiation Regulatory Bodies
Liquid Scintillation Analysis
The Use of Radiological Instrumentation
Radiation Protection Supervisor
3 Day RPS Training Course
This course meets the requirements of IRR17 to provide individuals with the necessary training to allow them to be appointed as RPS.
1 Day RPS Refresher Course
RPS’s should attend a refresher course every 3 to 5 years dependant on their employers procedures
Radiation Awareness Training
1 Day Radiation Awareness Course
These courses are primarily aimed at OIMs / Site Managers and those who have a supervisory role.
Class 7 Dangerous Goods by Sea
1 Day Transportation Course
These course are designed for individuals who are required to prepare and ship a variety of radioactive materials form offshore locations.